Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Wiki Vs Blog


To most children of the 21st century these words are part of their vocabulary, to a lot of people from the older generations, these words are foriegn, scarey, and overwhelming.

So I am here to tell explain to you the difference between the two!

Blog- Full name: weblog a journal written on-line and accessible to users of the internet (

Wiki-a web application that allows anyone visiting a website to edit content on it (

This here, that you are reading right now is called a BLOG, it is my ideas and thoughts of current events and a professional way for me to analyse and relfect on my use of the tools from e-learning. You cannot edit or change my blog, but you are able to comment and give your opinnion underneath it.

A wiki however is made with a different purpose. Instead of it being your personal online journal, wiki's are made with the intension of the content being edited. You create a wiki and other people can come along and edit peices of informtaion. This is a great way to work collaborativly with people, and get a range of different ideas.

So there is a breif explaination of a blog and a wiki, and the main differences between them.

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