Thursday, July 8, 2010

Functionality of a Blog

What is a Blog?

A blog is a personal or professional online diary, where people can their versions of current events and experiences.

My Thoughts on Blogging:

The word "Blog" is new to me, even though I'm from the generation "Y" era, I am yet to have written a blog. To me the functionality of a blog depends on the blogger, and what they intend on getting out of it. Personally I aim to gain greater knowledge of what blogging means, and how it affects me as a future learning manager. When I was told I need to create a blog for the course I am doing at university my initial thoughts where " Why am I doing this class again?" However now I have started, the concept doesn't seem nearly as daunting. I am starting to see how this course is going to help me to become an effective learning manager as I Will be able to use technology in a productive manner.


  • Allows students to access information online and communicate beyond the classroom

  • Embeds important computer skills

  • Will allow me as a teacher to provide a more diverse range of resources to students


  • Not every student has access to a computer outside of school leaving these resources only to be seen by some.

  • Cannot replace face to face communication

  • A blog doesn't focus on all students learning styles

These are my initial thoughts on blogs, I'm sure after the completion of this course my ideas and thoughts will change, I will be sure to keep you updated.

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