Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The BIG 6

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The Big 6 is a framework created by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz, the Big6 is a well known and widely applied approach to teaching information and technology skills all across the world. (2001 by Mike Eisenberg). The Big 6 The is a good example of how people solve an problem. It goes through 6 steps:

1. Task Definition

2. Information Seeking Strategies

3. Location and Access

4. Use of Information

5. Synthesisng

6. Evaluation

I endeavour to use this framework from now on in my posts to analyse the tools provided by e-learning. I feel that this framework aims to utilise those almost instinctive behaviours that people automatically react with when presented with a problem. Therefore I feel that this framework will be best for me, personally to use.According to Eisenberg (2001) "Various computer and information technology skills are integral parts of the Big6 Skills" I like the idea of this framework being inter grated into the classroom in order to make the children more aware of their behaviours they use when solving a problem both technologically and physically.

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