Thursday, July 29, 2010

Re-sizing of photo

Image courtesy of member GaryRadler

Image courtesy of member pamspix

Image courtesy of member pamspix

I resized these photo's using a free download from the internet called FastStone Photo Resizer 3.0. I transfered these images into a jpg to make them more use able over the internet. This program was extremely easy to use, and I feel that even children from a young age would be able to use it. I found these pictures from a free photo website where the photo's are free from copyright. This site was called istock photo.

I feel that the photo's I chose could be used to provide an understanding of Australia's Aboriginal Culture. These pictures could be used a a range of different ways in the classroom. for example the "Hand painting" one could be used as a introduction to an Aboriginal art unit. The others might be useful for a introduction for a story writing activity. There are a million different ways that images can be used in the classroom to engage learners. The invaluable qualities of images never ceases to amaze me.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Power Point

Image courtesy of Microsoft Office

Power point is a usefull tool where you can create multimedia designed slides and present them in a projective manner. When using power point you are able to put together, images, sounds, texts, charts and create a engaging and interactive presentation.

SWOT Analysis of Power Point:


-Allows a different way of presenting information
-Easy to use
-Incorperates a range of media's into one
-May engage certain learners in the classroom more then the typical way of presenting information
-Interacts with other Office priducts and software such as Microsoft and excel


-Can be overwhelming to some learners
-Only compatable with Microsoft
-Cannot always be affective in engaging students


-Endless opportunities in the classroom
-Encorperates a range of ICT's togther
-Has the opportunitiy to engage
-Has the opportunity for students to use this program to present their work


-Losing work as it is on the computer (always remember to back up your work)
-Risk of "losing" students when the technology gets "too hard"

Wiki Vs Blog


To most children of the 21st century these words are part of their vocabulary, to a lot of people from the older generations, these words are foriegn, scarey, and overwhelming.

So I am here to tell explain to you the difference between the two!

Blog- Full name: weblog a journal written on-line and accessible to users of the internet (

Wiki-a web application that allows anyone visiting a website to edit content on it (

This here, that you are reading right now is called a BLOG, it is my ideas and thoughts of current events and a professional way for me to analyse and relfect on my use of the tools from e-learning. You cannot edit or change my blog, but you are able to comment and give your opinnion underneath it.

A wiki however is made with a different purpose. Instead of it being your personal online journal, wiki's are made with the intension of the content being edited. You create a wiki and other people can come along and edit peices of informtaion. This is a great way to work collaborativly with people, and get a range of different ideas.

So there is a breif explaination of a blog and a wiki, and the main differences between them.

The BIG 6

Image courtesy of

The Big 6 is a framework created by Mike Eisenberg and Bob Berkowitz, the Big6 is a well known and widely applied approach to teaching information and technology skills all across the world. (2001 by Mike Eisenberg). The Big 6 The is a good example of how people solve an problem. It goes through 6 steps:

1. Task Definition

2. Information Seeking Strategies

3. Location and Access

4. Use of Information

5. Synthesisng

6. Evaluation

I endeavour to use this framework from now on in my posts to analyse the tools provided by e-learning. I feel that this framework aims to utilise those almost instinctive behaviours that people automatically react with when presented with a problem. Therefore I feel that this framework will be best for me, personally to use.According to Eisenberg (2001) "Various computer and information technology skills are integral parts of the Big6 Skills" I like the idea of this framework being inter grated into the classroom in order to make the children more aware of their behaviours they use when solving a problem both technologically and physically.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

my wiki

Concept Maps

I really enjoyed using this program. I found it very user friendly. This would be a fantastic tool to use in the classroom. Particularly for those visual learners in the class. This tool could also be use full for other learners too, as it shows you the mind map being created, and sometimes a program like this can be used to embed everyday knowledge.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


Image courtesy of muirfield-h.schools. nsw.

I recently played around with the site This is a site that generates talking animations. As this is the first tool I have discovered during this course I found it to be very exciting and engaging. I found that this tool would bring a completely new element to teaching in the classroom. Used well in the classroom this tool has the potential to turn an average lesson into one where the students are engaged. I understand that you cannot use this tool alone and expect it will automatically engage your students, however I feel that this tool can be effective when used in an appropriate manner.

I would love to see the children get involved with the use of this tool, as I found it very user friendly and would be a good way to get the students interacting on the computers.

I am really enjoying how this course is opening my eyes to see the benefits that technology can have on everyday classroom teaching.

Miss Baker

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Get a Voki now!

Welcome to my blog

My name is Katrina Baker and I am currently studying a bachelor or learning management at CQ University. As apart of my studies I am taking a class called managing e learning. I will be posting blogs about this class and how technolody is used in the classroom. I will be reflecting on different tools and resources supplied to me by E learning. The world today is ever growing with it's technology and is going to effect me as a teacher. Throughout my posts I will look at how these resources and tools will help me as a learning manager. I am excited to Begin evaluating the resources supplied to me and to share my knowledge with you.
Image: Courtesy

Functionality of a Blog

What is a Blog?

A blog is a personal or professional online diary, where people can their versions of current events and experiences.

My Thoughts on Blogging:

The word "Blog" is new to me, even though I'm from the generation "Y" era, I am yet to have written a blog. To me the functionality of a blog depends on the blogger, and what they intend on getting out of it. Personally I aim to gain greater knowledge of what blogging means, and how it affects me as a future learning manager. When I was told I need to create a blog for the course I am doing at university my initial thoughts where " Why am I doing this class again?" However now I have started, the concept doesn't seem nearly as daunting. I am starting to see how this course is going to help me to become an effective learning manager as I Will be able to use technology in a productive manner.


  • Allows students to access information online and communicate beyond the classroom

  • Embeds important computer skills

  • Will allow me as a teacher to provide a more diverse range of resources to students


  • Not every student has access to a computer outside of school leaving these resources only to be seen by some.

  • Cannot replace face to face communication

  • A blog doesn't focus on all students learning styles

These are my initial thoughts on blogs, I'm sure after the completion of this course my ideas and thoughts will change, I will be sure to keep you updated.